Cookie policy

What is a Cookie?

A Cookie is a small text file that websites store in the user's browser to make the user experience more efficient.

While this policy uses the general term "Cookie," which is the primary method of storing information used by this website, the browser's "Local Storage" space is also used for the same purposes as Cookies. In this sense, all the information included in this section is equally applicable to this "Local Storage."

Why are Cookies used on this website?

The main purpose of my cookies is to enhance your browsing experience and improve the performance of my website. I use them to remember your preferences such as language and country, both during your current visit and for future occasions.

On my website, I use both first-party and third-party cookies. While some cookies are essential for the site to function correctly, such as those supporting basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas, others help me personalize content, ads, provide social media features, and analyze traffic on the site. Additionally, I share information about your use of my site with my social media, advertising, and analytics partners.

Who uses the information stored in Cookies?

The information stored in cookies on my website is used exclusively by me, except for "Third-party Cookies," which are managed by external entities that help me provide the services I offer and improve your browsing experience.

How can you avoid the use of Cookies on this website?

If you prefer not to use cookies, you can adjust your browser settings to reject them and delete those already stored. Here are direct links to manage cookies in various browsers:

Remember that if you choose not to accept cookies, some sections of the site may not function correctly.

What specific Cookies does this website use and for what purposes?

I use both session cookies, which are temporary and are deleted when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which remain on your device for a longer time. Cookies can be first-party or third-party and are used for various purposes from technical to navigation analysis:

Technical Cookies:

  • User Identification: Necessary to identify you as a recurrent user and remember your preferences.
  • User Selections: Store the preferences selected by you on the site, such as language or your privacy settings.

Navigation Analysis Cookies:

  • Google Analytics: These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to optimize and improve the experience for all users.

You can also view the cookies on your computer through your browser and delete them if you deem it necessary. If you have any questions about how to manage cookies, please feel free to contact me at